Quiz: Blurred Spot in Eye for 2 Weeks

A 29-year-old white male presents with a small, blurred spot in the center of his vision in the right eye, present for the past 2 weeks. Prior to onset of symptoms, he had recently recovered from a flu-like illness. He is otherwise healthy and reports no significant past ocular or medical history. The patient reports significant stress at work and admits to having a “type-A personality”.

Uncorrected visual acuity is 20/20 in each eye. Pupils and intraocular pressures are normal. Anterior segment slit-lamp examination is unremarkable but fundus exam of the right eye shows a comma-shaped, yellowish macular lesion with associated foveolar pigment irregularity.

Case contributed by: Jessica Kovarik, MD, Michael Hopen, MD, Daniel Neely, MD

68 thoughts on “Quiz: Blurred Spot in Eye for 2 Weeks”

    • Dear Abu Beyene,

      Thank you for your comment. We are glad that you are enjoying our Cybersight quizzes.

      Please be sure to email us at [email protected] and share with us ophthalmic topics that you are interested in so that we can include them in our future quizzes.

  1. Well presented clinical case. I would like to check the OCT performed one month after the former so we could evaluate the image of the initial epitelitis

  2. Good to know about the eyes test and need to take care of our eyes after each check up and concerned to doctor and need to take care precautions of the eyes.

    • Dear Nicholas Malambo,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Please be sure to review our previous Cybersight Live Webinars and resources on topics related to fundus examination and refraction. To view these resources, please check our Library here: https://cybersight.org/library/.

      Should there be any specific question related to Cybersight, please do let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

  3. The cause of this problem is flu-like illness and the use of corticosteroids for the treatment or there could be any other reason if there is no history of recovery from flu-like illness and the use of


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