A 4-year-old boy is referred with a diagnosis of high myopia and amblyopia in the left eye. He was born full-term with normal growth and development. His best-corrected visual acuity is 20/60 right eye and 20/400 left eye. Orthoptic examination reveals a left exotropia of 30 prism diopters. Anterior segment examination is unremarkable. Cycloplegic refraction is -5.00-3.75x180o right eye and -10.00-4.00x180o left eye. What could be happening?
Very rare, interesting and informative.
Much thought provoking.Find it difficult to give right answer
Interesting question, case and useful discussion. Thanks!
Thank for case
Thanks for the great work and significant clinical case
Quite educative. Thank you.
Thanks you and it is very interesting
Very instructive!
Thank you,