Lecture: Mucormycosis in the COVID Era

Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis has emerged as an epidemic within the COVID-19 pandemic. Its treatment requires a multi-disciplinary approach, and therefore there is a need for consensus among clinicians for a common management protocol. During this lecture, the doctors discuss different clinical manifestations observed in different specialties and their treatment approach. This will help us reach a … Read more

Quiz: Uneventful Phacoemulsification

A 65-year-old female underwent uneventful phacoemulsification yesterday. The photo is her appearance at the slit-lamp on post-operative day 1. What could be happening? Start Quiz   Courtesy of Dr. Maria Montero, Orbis Flying Eye Hospital Head Ophthalmologist

Илтгэл: “Нүдний ном” үйлчлүүлэгчид зөвлөгөө өгөх номын нээлт

Энэхүү вебинараар Эрүүл мэндийн яам, Орбис, FHMD олон улсын байгууллага, Монголын сумын эмч, мэргэжилтнүүдийн холбоо, Монголын нүдний эмч нарын нийгэмлэгийн хамтран гаргасан “Нүдний ном” үйлчлүүлэгчид зөвлөгөө өгөх номыг хэрхэн үр дүнтэй ашиглах тухай мэдээлэл хүргэнэ. May 14, 2020

Lecture: Women Leaders in Eye Health Webinar Series

In a collaborative effort, Women In Ophthalmology (WIO), Seva Foundation and Orbis International have come together to coordinate a global webinar series on topics that speak to current and prospective women in ophthalmology. The topics focus on issues raised and experienced by female ophthalmologists and the series will provide practical advice and support for career … Read more

Từ điển Nhãn Khoa Anh-Việt

Từ điển Nhãn khoa Anh Việt cập nhật theo Hiệp Hội Nhãn khoa Thế giới và các từ điển trước đây ở Việt nam. Tải xuống Từ điển Nhãn Khoa Anh-Việt

Lecture: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses in Medical Research

Objective: To give an overview on steps to conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lecturer: Dr. Babatunde Adedokun, Center for Observational Research, Amgen, California, United States Panelist: Dr. Mary Ogbenyi Ugalahi, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan/University College Hospital Download Slides PDF February 8, 2021