Bộ công cụ Đánh giá Chương trình Đào tạo Nội trú

Suốt 40 năm qua, Tổ chức Orbis đã nỗ lực hợp tác với các cơ sở đào tạo có uy tín trên toàn thế giới để hỗ trợ và nâng cao hơn nữa năng lực của đội ngũ bác sĩ nội trú. Tài liệu này được thiết kế cho các cơ sở đào tạo, hướng … Read more

Lecture: Residency Best Practices Symposium with Ophthalmology Foundation and Orbis International

This symposium highlights current best practices for residency education given the challenges of COVID and demonstrates readily available, relevant resources available to faculty and staff leading such efforts. The session will include speakers sharing results of recent programs and trainings successfully implemented to support residency educators. Lastly it will conclude with a short panel on … Read more

Manual: Residency Program Assessment Tool

This resource is designed for faculty to guide them in how to identify gaps, and thus opportunities, in their residency programs and to commit to continually develop and improve their systems to successfully train the future trainers of tomorrow.  The competencies developed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) are integrated into the … Read more

Lecture: Staffing My First 1000 Phacos

Do you teach surgery? Through this lecture, you will learn to be a better surgical teacher and decrease trainee surgical complications. Fewer complications are good for trainees, great for patients, and wonderful for your mental well-being. Come along to learn from the experience of master surgical teachers and their first 1000 (or 10,000) teaching cases. … Read more

Manual: Wet Laboratory Manual for Ophthalmology Residents in Ethiopia

Laboratory practice based on wet or dry laboratories is a well-accepted method to acquire surgical skill before starting to do surgical procedures on human beings. A wet laboratory practice is defined as doing wide range of laboratory experiments or analysis of various types of chemical or biological materials. The objective of this wet lab manual … Read more

Lecture: Cataract Phacoemulsification Surgery: Optimizing Trainer Supervision and Trainee Learning

During this live webinar, Dr. Gupta will cover how to approach teaching the steps of phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Instructional terminology to facilitate understanding between Trainer and Trainee is suggested. He will present video examples of how Trainers can safely and enjoyably teach beginners and those with surgical difficulty. Trainees will appreciate how to maximize learning … Read more

Conferencia: Fundamentos Básicos para el Éxito de un Centro de Simulación

Durante este seminario web en vivo, la Dra. Maria Montero presenta los componentes clave de la creación de un centro de simulación exitoso que maximiza el impacto en los resultados quirúrgicos y la atención al paciente. Conferencista: Dra. Maria Montero, Jefe de Oftalmología, Flying Eye Hospital de Orbis 1 de Julio de 2020

Lecture: The Building Blocks of a Successful Simulation Center

During this live webinar, Amelia Geary presents on the key building blocks of creating a successful simulation center that maximizes the impact on surgical outcomes and patient care. Lecturer: Amelia Geary, Training Specialist Transcript Amelia Geary: Hello, I’m Amelia Geary, I’m a training specialist working with Orbis International. And I’m going to take a few … Read more