Quiz: “Funny Looking” Optic Nerve
A 25-year-old Caucasian female is sent to you for evaluation because of a “funny looking” optic nerve.
A 25-year-old Caucasian female is sent to you for evaluation because of a “funny looking” optic nerve.
A 55-year-old patient is referred to you from the diabetic clinic for an “abnormal finding” on a tele-retinal diabetic screening examination. The patient has had previous panretinal photocoagulation (PRP), but currently denies any recent visual changes.
During this live surgery event, we present a small lecture on the risks, benefits, and indications for vitrectomy surgery in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. This is followed by a live surgery in a case of proliferative diabetic retinopathy, with audio explanation from the surgeon of step by step maneuvers to achieve the best outcomes … Read more
This hour long webinar will begin with an overview and introduction to OCT Macula. Then, a disease or specific OCT macula finding from A-Z will be reviewed with cases. Each slide from “A-Z” will have an image followed by a detailed discussion of the finding. Lecturer: Dr. Sowmya Srinivas, OD, MS, ABO, FAAO, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical … Read more
This live webinar will introduce the classification of ocular trauma, define the “Open Globe”, review the epidemiology of posterior segment trauma, and reiterate important surgical anatomy of the eye. The evaluation of the traumatized patient with an open globe and the ophthalmic surgical goals for therapy will be emphasized to include eye wall closure from … Read more
The latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have great potential to improve the accuracy and delivery of eye care. Visulytix’s Pegasus software brings specialist level accuracy to the interpretation of OCT and Fundus imaging, aiding clinicians in the detection and diagnosis of serious eye diseases. Orbis and Visulytix have teamed up by adding the Pegasus … Read more
During this live surgical demonstration, two cases were performed with step-by-step narration by the surgeon, who also took questions in real-time. 1st case: vitreomacular traction syndrome with full thickness macular hole. 2nd case: proliferative diabetic retinopathy, epimacular membrane, neovascularization. Surgeon: Dr. Steve Charles, MD. Founder, Charles Retina Institute, USA. Transcript DR CHARLES: Hi. I’m Dr. … Read more
A 21-year-old female presented for a routine exam with complaints of difficulty seeing while driving at night. Past ocular, medical and social history were unremarkable with the exception of oral contraceptive use. Family ocular history was notable only for senile macular degeneration in a maternal grandmother and moderate refractive errors in several family members. Uncorrected … Read more
Cybersight Consult now supports Artificial Intelligence (AI) grading of colour fundus images attached to consultation cases. The system is capable of detecting and visualising glaucoma, macular disease and diabetic retinopathy in less than a minute, and at no cost. In this video, Dr. Daniel Neely provides a step-by-step demonstration of how to attach fundus images … Read more