Toolkit: Glaucoma Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Toolkit for Glaucoma Management in Africa is intended to provide guidelines and information for developing protocols and models of care, towards improving services for glaucoma care in Africa. The toolkit contains practical steps towards diagnosis of glaucoma, risk assessment for progression and management decisions, as well as specific guidance for treatment and referral to … Read more

Lecture: Topographic Widefield Analysis in Glaucoma

There is a growing clinical evidence that early glaucomatous damage involves the macula. The anatomical basis of this damage can be studied by measuring the local thickness of RNFL and GCL+ layer. Macular damage is typically arcuate in nature and often associated with local RNFL thinning in a narrow region of the disc, “the macular … Read more

Quiz: Pain, Redness & Headache

A 60-year-old black male presents with a three-day history of right eye pain, redness, right temporal headache and epiphora for the past 3 days. He denies any history of recent eye trauma or eye surgery. He has a history of poor vision in the right eye for many years. Past ocular history is significant for … Read more

Lecture: Gonioscopic Techniques for Difficult Angles

This talk will discuss more advanced gonioscopy techniques; techniques for when obtaining a view is difficult – or when the findings are hard to interpret. The corneal wedge and indentation gonioscopy will be emphasized. Lecturer: Dr. Wallace Alward, University of Iowa, USA Transcript DR ALWARD: Hi, everyone. I’m Lee Alward at the University of Iowa, … Read more

Live Surgical Demonstration: Toric IOL & Phacoemulsification

During this live surgical demonstration, two cases will be presented with ongoing live dialogue between Drs. Kevin Barber and Hunter Cherwek. A toric IOL case using femtosecond laser, digital marker and ORA intraoperative aberrometry will be performed with discussion on techniques for successful implementation of refractive and toric IOL technologies. The second case will be … Read more

Quiz: Vision Loss & Headache

A 50-year-old female presented with a one week history of progressive vision loss, headache, and pain in both eyes. Four days prior to examination she noticed a worsening of the vision loss and was evaluated by a general doctor who gave her some unidentified eye drops which did not help. She then presented to an … Read more

演讲: 青光眼的诊断思路

此套青光眼课程包含青光眼的流行病学,青光眼相关解剖生理,青光眼的分类及其临床表现,青光眼诊断中需要各种检查的操作及判读(如眼压,房角镜,超声生物显微镜(UBM),视野,OCT视盘分析等),还有各类青光眼的临床治疗手段及经验分享。内容丰富,形式新颖,有大量图片,视频让我们直观生动的了解和学习这些内容。 今天是我们的第一讲,我将通过引用几个典型青光眼病例,来带领大家了解临床工作中,我们面对患者,是如何一步一步,收集取证,来明确诊断青光眼并确定其类型的。之后我们还将逐步推出一系列有关青光眼诊疗相关课程。 讲座者:蔺云霞,副主任医师,硕士研究生,非公立医疗机构协会眼科专业委员会青光眼分会委员,辽宁省生命科学学会眼科学与眼视光学分青光眼专业委员,国际眼科杂志审稿专家。 下载幻灯片 PDF December 29, 2020