Quiz: Optic Nerve in a 7-Year-Old

These pictures represent the right and left optic nerve in a 7-year-old boy:

Last Updated: October 31, 2022

28 thoughts on “Quiz: Optic Nerve in a 7-Year-Old”

  1. Thought the vessels at the LE disc was abnormally tortuous and anglelated. The disc LE is not typical of Morning Glory though

    • It may be tilted and there may be some tortuously but this is also tough to determine with such a cropped photo. In either case, those findings are frequent variants of normal and do not suggest anything specific.

  2. From the picture, it looks like even the left eye is not normal, the optic disc seems raised with no distinct margin so I think both discs are hypoplastic.

    • This patient was otherwise normal. However, one must be aware of and on the lookout for the associated conditions as outlined in the quiz.

    • The left disc is clinically normal. There is a scleral crescent present temporally but the dis is not swollen and definitely not grossly abnormal such as with Morning Glory disc, those will have a significant glial component to them. As one looks at the overlying blood vessels, they are clearly seen and not obscured, also another sign that the disc is not swollen.

  3. we should be able to revisit the cases anytime – maybe not allowed to select options again – but once we have taken a quiz we cannot see it again- this way we cannot revise and learn

    • Hi Alka – thank you for this question. You can re-take the quizzes anytime using either of these methods:

      (1) Clear your web browser cache and reload the page; or

      (2) Take the quiz on another device (e.g. phone instead of laptop).

      Hope this helps!

    • Not so rare actually, I see this commonly in the pediatric clinic when an infant or child presents with either decreased vision in one eye or with “nystagmoid eye movements” when bilateral.


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